What is the aura?

Bryna Bryna Follow Dec 27, 2020 · 1 min read
What is the aura?
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What is the aura?

Everything alive has an aura. The aura is the encasement that filters energy to circulate through living systems. The human aura is the energy field surrounding the physical body. It is a pulsing electromagnetic field that surrounds the human energetic anatomy and penetrates the physical body. Our auras are each unique and hold the ‘blue print’ of our lives. The aura also serves as an energetic protective seal from psychic intrusion, negative energy, illness and diseases.

The colour of a person’s aura fluctuates and changes reflecting the state of the subtle energies in the body. The auric colours reveal a person’s character and how they are currently feeling. It also shows the state of health and mental activity and can reveal addictions and drug dependencies. Disease and illness can be seen in the aura, even before it has entered the physical body.

The human aura is divided into seven layers called the energy bodies. On the physical plane there is the etheric body, the emotional body and the mental body. On the astral plane there is the astral body and on the spiritual plane there is the etheric template body, the celestial body, and the ketheric body. They are all interrelated, if one of the energy bodies is unbalanced it will cause disharmony in the other energy bodies. These seven auric layers or energy bodies are associated with the seven main chakras.

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Written by Bryna
Hi, my name is Bryna, owner of Golden Path.