What is a Chakra?

Bryna Bryna Follow Dec 27, 2020 · 1 min read
What is a Chakra?
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What is a Chakra?

A chakra is an energetic organ that controls the proper regulation of prana in the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, the chakras are known as ‘wheels of life’. Chakras are swirling vortexes of energy that extend through both the physical body and all the layers of the auric field. They relate to the physical body as well a the emotional, mental and spiritual state of a person. The main function of the chakras are physical processing, emotional processing, psychological processing and spiritual processing. Having clean and balanced chakras are essential for a person to have a happy healthy and successful life.

There are hundreds of chakras in our energetic anatomy. They each serve different purposes and come in different sizes and colours. There are major chakras, minor chakra, micro chakras, and ‘hidden’ chakras. They serve as energy transformers that regulate the flow of vital prana throughout the body. The chakras receive and distribute energy from the surroundings into the physical body and expel dirty energy from the body.

The Chakras hold and record information. They are gateways to consciousness and each chakra that is activated will give you knew awareness. Each main chakra has a psychic ability and when these chakras are activated a person can gain psychic gifts.

Fundamentally, there are seven main chakras in the body, each with its own purpose and vibration. The seven main chakras are the base chakra, sacral charka, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, ajna chakra, and the crown chakra. Each of the seven main chakras extends from the front and back of the body and is anchored to the physical body through the spine or head. Each chakra takes charge of certain areas of the body and preforms tasks such as the proper functioning of the internal organs and endocrine glands.

Pranic healing focuses on cleansing and balancing 11 major chakras of the body, however there are many minor and micro chakras that are cleansed and revitalised during a pranic healing session.

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Written by Bryna
Hi, my name is Bryna, owner of Golden Path.