Tui Na Massage
The therapeutic principle of Tui Na massage is to correct the imbalances of qi (your vital life force/prana) in the body. If Qi or pranic disturbance occur it may manifest as emotional issues, physical pain, diseases and other illness. Tui Na massage harmonises the body by removing any disturbances or blockages and re-balances the yin and yang energies. It is the oldest system of bodywork in the world and is one of the four main components in traditional Chinese medicine.
Using the same principle as acupuncture, Tui Na massage treats the acupuncture points and meridians to achieve harmony in the body. The meridians are your energetic pathways that run between and around the chakras. They are the channels that carry the subtle energy to various organs, nerves and blood vessels. If you have ever looked at an acupuncture chart, meridians are the lines drawn on the body. Instead of treating a person with acupuncture needles, finger pressure is applied to points and different massage techniques are used to stimulate the flow of qi.
Tui Na massage is a holistic therapy effective in treating both internal and external conditions. This massage style can be very firm, vigorous and physically active, or incredibly subtle and still depending on the requirement of the treatment. Not only can it be incredibly relaxing, tui na is also effective in treating an array of disorders such as problems with the respiratory system, reproductive system, muscular skeletal system, (stiff neck, sore back, deep tissue pain) sciatica, irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, constipation, insomnia, emotional problems, constipation, migraines, headaches, distention of shoulders and more.