
Pranic Psychotherapy

Bryna Bryna Follow Dec 23, 2020 · 1 min read
Pranic Psychotherapy
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Pranic Psychotherapy

The energy body holds a collection of thoughts and emotions. Chakras are record keepers; they hold and record information.

Trauma and poisonous thought forms and emotions can get stuck in the chakras and aura affecting how a person thinks, acts and feels.

Pranic psychotherapy helps clear repetitive negative thinking patterns and trauma by removing these energies from the aura and chakras.

The negative energies that can get trapped in the energetic anatomy can cause cracks and tears in the auric field as well as the protective webbing of the chakras. This can also occur from drug abuse and other unhealthy lifestyle habits. Damaged auras or protective webbing of the chakras limits the body’s defences from illnesses and causes psychic intrusion in the energy field.

Clearing these energies from our chakras and repairing and sealing the auric field can affect a person’s attitude towards life, enhance their creativity and improve their success. Pranic psychotherapy can clear stress and anxiety, heal depression, and stop addictive behaviours. It has also been very effective for treating people suffering from schizophrenia or drug psychosis. Having clean energized chakras and a clean sealed auric field allows a person to have a healthy, happy, balanced life.

Pranic Psychotherapy has been successful in treating:
  • Stress, Irritability, Anxiety, Grief and Hysteria
  • Phobias, Trauma, Obsessions and Compulsions
  • Addiction: Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Addiction
  • Depression
  • Violent and Paranoid Patients
  • Schizophrenic Patients
  • Mentally Retarded Patients
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Written by Bryna
Hi, my name is Bryna, owner of Golden Path.